
Saesneg yn unig....


Fri 7th - Quiz
Sat 8th - Rowing - Ocean to City - Cork Iwerddon / Ireland
Sat 8th - Rowing - PDSC Race to Caernarfon - TBC
Sun 16th - Return of Summer Cruise - TBC - 18:56 - 3.9m
Fri 28th - WhatsApp Local Cruise - TBC - 15:53 - 4.3m


Sat 6th - Mon 8th - Conwy River Festival Racing
Sat 20th - WhatsApp Local Cruise - TBC - 10:00 - 4.5m
Sat 27th - What’s App Local Cruise or Competitive Cruise - TBC - 15:21 - 4.6m


Sat 3rd - WhatsApp Local Cruise - TBC - 10:15 - 4.4m
Mon 5th to Sat 17th - Menai Strait Regattas
Wed 7th - Race Through - TBC - 12:36 - 4.7m
Thu 8th - Seiont Regatta - 13:09 - 4.6m
Fri 9th - Cadnant Regatta - 13:43 - 4.5m
Fri 23rd - Mon 26th - August B/H Weekend Cruise - TBC - 13:11 - 5.2m


Sat 7th - WhatsApp Local Cruise - TBC - 13:04 - 4.7m
Sat 21st - WhatsApp Local Cruise or Competitive Cruise - TBC - 12:45 - 5.4m


Sat 5th - WhatsApp Local Cruise - TBC - 12:00 - 4.9m
Thu 17th - Craning Out Supper - TBC
Fri 18th - Craning Out - TBC - 10:57 - 5.5m


Sat 9th - Westerly Owners' AGM - 12:30 to 16:00