Sailing experiences for non-boat owners

We have recently agreed a two-year trial period to work with the Guillemot Trust which is a registered charity dedicated to providing free access and offer the opportunity and experience to those new to the thrill of sailing. The Trusts’ approach and objectives are summarised in the following few words taken from their web site;

“Training can be part of their experience, but pleasure is the watchword, and the training is more about doing things in the correct manner than strict instruction. It is our firm principle that the experience must be enjoyable, introducing the “novice sailors” to the fun and excitement of sailing, so that they want more.’’

The Trust currently own a Sadler 26’ and a J24, which are berthed at Liverpool and Deganwy Marinas respectively. Day sailing free access to groups of up to three novice crew is available via a booking system. The Trust provides an experienced and qualified skipper and crew.

If you are a new or an existing non boat owning member and feel you may like to ‘have a go’ to see if the sailing experience is for you or would like more information please contact:

the Sailing Secretary; or
the Commodore;