RYA Training Courses

In 2024, RWYC became an RYA Recognised Training Centre to teach and examine the following RYA shore-based navigation courses: Essential Navigation and Seamanship, Day Skipper Theory and Yachtmaster Theory.

Which Course?

The following course outlines should ensure you choose the right course for you.

Essential Navigation and Seamanship
A basic introduction to navigation and safety for anyone new to boating: sailors, powerboaters, sea anglers, divers and boat masters. Also useful for experienced dinghy and keelboat sailors and inshore racers. The course pack includes a basic set of navigation tools (plotter and dividers)

Day Skipper Theory
A comprehensive introduction to chartwork, navigation, meteorology and the basics of seamanship. Invaluable for learning how to start making decisions on board and if you are considering taking the Day Skipper practical course. With a Day Skipper Practical certificate, successful candidates can then get an International Certificate of Competence (ICC), which helps when chartering boats In the UK and overseas

Coastal Skipper/Yacht Master Offshore
Ideal for candidates for the Coastal Skipper practical course & Yachtmaster Offshore exam. Some revision of the Day Skipper shore based course plus more advanced skills in offshore and coastal navigation by day and night, pilotage and meteorology.

If you would like to enrol or ask any questions about the training courses, then please contact training@royal-welsh.com